2023 is an anniversary year.
Along the trading routes of the Lenape people, the village of Kingston began to be home to some Dutch, English, and Scotch-Irish settles around 1675.
It wouldn’t be until 1723 that there would be a formal declaration of a village church.
Settlers gathered in faith inside homes, and then in a log cabin along the Millstone river. The faithful grew into a gathered community and took a charter to affirm publicly what it had grown into—the worshipping body of the Kingston community.
By the time of the church’s official charter, January 21, 1723, the church had already moved up from the river, having acquired land from Jedediah Higgins sometime before his death in 1715.
The church was built on land which is now Kingston Presbyterian’s cemetery; the graves grew in number around it, as was the custom of the day.
In 1852, the community moved from the cemetery to its present position. For three centuries Kingston Presbyterian Church has sought to love God and love their neighbors, all to God’s glory.Throughout 2023 the church will celebrate. The whole Kingston community and neighbors are invited to share in the festivities.
Rev Sharyl M Dixon Kingston Presbyterian Church
The congregation has scheduled many events for the anniversary year 2023
- January 21st 300th Charter Luncheon
- January 22nd Kick off of 300th Anniversary Worship with Quilt Presentation
- January 29th Annual Meeting
- March 5th Chili Cookoff Lunch
- April 9th Easter
- May 21st Welcome Home Worship, Welcoming John & Shirley Heinsohn, and others
- June 3rd Historical Society Conversation and Refreshments
- June 24th Blueberry Festival
- July 29th Vacation Bible School Worship and Picnic
- September 17th Friendship Sunday and Celebration of 50years + members
- October 14th Cemetery Tales
- October 15th Worship in the First Church in Cemetery
- October 28th Friends For Health In Haiti Luncheon
- November 19th Thanksgiving Service and Time Capsule
- Dec 24th Candlelight Christmas Eve Service