
KHS is seeking volunteers for our Archivist Group. Go to THIS page for current volunteer opportunities and to learn more.


This page (written in 2021) is a guide to the needs of the Kingston Historical Society, and how you can become a part of its volunteer community.

Table of Contents

Kingston Historical Society Philosophy

The KHS is a non-partisan, non-profit organization created to preserve, enhance and promote the history of the village of Kingston, New Jersey. It is a Nonprofit corporation of New Jersey, and a 501(c)3 charity.

The purposes for the Historical Society are:

  • To promote, support, conserve and encourage the preservation of the land and buildings located in Kingston, and the restoration or preservation of its old and historic buildings, sites, lands and relics.
  • To promote, support, educate and encourage historical research and documentation, and to facilitate the collection, acquisition, and interpretation of historic materials and buildings relating to Kingston.
  • To promote, support, and encourage the above stated goals (a) (b), and by providing educational programs and working with local governing officials and local and other historic organizations.
  • To solicit, receive and or decline voluntary contributions of money and property of every kind and description, with historical significance to Kingston artifacts, by gifts, deeds, and bequests.

We have no paid employees. Those who work to further the mission of KHS do so for rewards of:
– Documentation and Discovery of Kingston’s History
– Working in Community
– Kingston Community Improvement and Involvement
– Sharing Historical Knowledge
– Creating and Experimentation
– Curiosity

We welcome volunteers from the “Greater Kingston Area” as well as those who might participate remotely.

Volunteer Opportunities

The KHS goal of raising awareness of Kingston’s history can take many forms. Below are some areas where you might contribute:


Work on scanning, preserving and cataloging the KHS collection. Soliciting new artifacts and documents. In 2023 we began an concerted effort to modernize our collection and record keeping. Fill out a contact form on this page: https://www.khsnj.org/interest-groups-forming/

Outreach, Docenting, Presentations

Welcoming guests to the Locktender’s House, preparing and presenting talks and walks for the community, assembling displays for the locktender’s display room, and taking displays to the community and working with other community groups

Finance and Fundraising

Maintaining our status as a 501(c)3 charity. Assuring that donations are used for KHS purposes, applying for grants, encouraging donations.

Historical Research

Teamwork in: research projects, teaching research skills, prioritizing research and presentation of results, creating and curating displays.

Organizational Growth

Advertising, participating in opportunities to extend the reach of the organization. Working jointly with other history-related groups in the area and state.

Website and Technical Opportunities

Website including WordPress, archiving hardware, and other areas needing technical help. We hope to share our methods and learn from other community organizations. Fill out a contact form on this page: https://www.khsnj.org/interest-groups-forming/

In 2022 and 2023 we worked on reviving the tradition of a village picnic. While we are not currently active in planning a future village activity, you can still fill out a volunteer form… 2023 Village Picnic: (Volunteer on THIS page. Learn more HERE)

Webmasters Roundtable: Sharing tips and techniques with other area organizations (Use THIS form to learn more)

How to Volunteer?

Want something else? Fill out a contact form on this page: https://www.khsnj.org/interest-groups-forming/
